(EN)Attendees at the 12th International Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere, which will be held in Ourense between May 6 and 10, come from all over the world. From the initiative of the organizers came the idea of sponsoring a lot of chestnut trees to offset the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by the attendees (travel by plane, train…). The head of the #LeiraAMontán, which was one of the most degraded spaces, with hardly any vegetation due to the continuous passage of tractors to access the neighboring estate.
Before proceeding with any work, we perform soil analyzes to estimate possible improvements for future planting. From there we extracted the need to increase its pH, too acidic for our purposes (by adding magnesian lime), a bottom manure (sheep) and addition of surface mineral fertilizer.
In this area were planted:
- 40 chestnut trees (Castanea sativa) of the Jewish variety
- 25 mycorrhizal birches (Betula pubescens).
In February 2024 we proceeded to plant those trees after the first preparation of the area: plowing and liming, digging planting holes and fertilizing. Later, the surface mineral fertilizer was added. Throughout the spring we will install an underground drip irrigation system, to minimize evaporation losses and for the water to go directly to the roots. In a first phase, the headwater reservoirs will be filled with water from the river using a cistern. Starting next winter, rainwater will be collected.
(GZ) Os asistentes ao 12th International Workshop on Long-Term Changes and Trends in the Atmosphere que se celebra en Ourense entre o 6 e o 10 de maio veñen de todo o mundo. Da iniciativa dos organizadores xurdiu a idea de apadriñar un lote de castiñeiros para compensar o CO2 emitido á atmosfera polos asistentes (viaxes en avión, tren…). A cabeceira da #LeiraAMontán, que era un dos espazos máis degradados, sen apenas vexetación polo continuo paso dos tractores para acceder á leira veciña.
Antes de proceder a realizar ningún laboreo realizamos analíticas do solo para estimar as posibles melloras para a futura plantación. De ahí extraímos a necesidade de aumentar o seu pH, demasiado ácido para os nosos propósitos (mediante o aporte de cal magnésica), un estercado de fondo (de ovella) e adición de abono mineral de superficie.
Nesta área foron plantados:
- 40 castiñeiros (Castanea sativa) da variedade xudía
- 25 bidueiros (Betula pubescens) micorrizados
En febreiro de 2024 procedemos a plantar esas árbores trala preparación primeira da zona: arado e encalado, excavado de buratas de plantación e estercado. Posteriormente procedeuse a aportar o abono mineral de superficia. Ao longo da primavera instalaremos un sistema de rego por goteo soterrado, para minimizar perdas por evaporación e que a auga vaia directamente ás raíces. Nun primeira fase, os depósitos de cabeceira encheranse con auga do río mediante unha cisterna. A partires do inverno próximo captarase a auga de choiva.